376: the magic number to restart Thailand

The 10 August protest ended with yet another clash. But there must be a clear purpose to all this. Otherwise, it’s just a cycle of slingshots against rubber bullets. Every demand the protestors make will never be met unless there’s a government democratic in its mindset willing to reform Thailand.Continue Reading

Amnesty Bill: the art of covering your ass

When coup-makers come into power, one of their first acts would dictate a law that gives them amnesty to prevent any future civilian government from bringing sedition charges on the generals. Hence, General Prayut Chan-o-cha and his clique are protected by the amnesty law for the 2014 military coup. Likewise,Continue Reading

The showdown on 7 August

All eyes are on this Saturday. Pro-democracy protestors will gather at the Democracy Monument and march to the Grand Palace. Police Chief General Suwat Jangyodsuk declared, “In no way will we let anyone destroy national treasure.” According to the Chief, 2,333 cases are pending against the pro-democracy movement since JulyContinue Reading

Misplaced Priority: Loyalty to General Prayut is more important than saving lives

Should an interview question for organization recruitment nationwide be: “Have you now, or ever been, a Saam-geeb?” On 1 August, in Udorn Thani Province, over 1,000 vehicles circled the city center to protest against the Prayut Chan-o-cha government. One protestor (name withheld) was caught on camera and recognized as aContinue Reading

The radicalization of the Thai people

How far can you push the people before they break? In the French and Russian Revolutions, people were starving and rioting for bread. That’s not the situation in Thailand. For there to be a revolution, a sizeable portion of the military has to break away. That’s unlikely to happen inContinue Reading