A very sad Siamese tale

When the police are caught on CCTV killing a suspect inside the Nakorn Sawan police station, who do you call? Who do you call when the police superintendent and a group of officers put a bag over the head of a handcuffed, suspected drug seller, extorting him for two millionContinue Reading

The Kingdom of Kakistocracy

Kakistocracy is a government system run by the most unscrupulous people. It is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule). How do unscrupulous people come into power? By unscrupulous means. For example, the use of physical force, as in the 2014 military coup. How do unscrupulous peopleContinue Reading

The increasing anti-monarchy sentiment

If you follow the top trending hashtags, it seems anti-monarchy sentiment is everywhere. Nonetheless, the pro-monarchy sentiment continues. Last week, in a video interview with Vogue Thailand regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, Princess Sirivannavari expressed her concerns for the well-being of the Thai people and gave the people encouragement. She alsoContinue Reading

What young people learn from teachers, adults, and generals

Regarding youths clashing with the police at political protests, on 17 August, General Prayut Chan-o-cha said: “เรียนมายังไง ใช้แต่ความรุนแรง ท้าตีท้าต่อยตำรวจ พอใช้กฎหมายก็โวยวาย” “Is this what you learn in school? You use only violence. Challenge the police to fights. When the law is used, you complain.” The general is correct. This is exactlyContinue Reading

The way of the guns

General Prayut Chan-o-cha came to power by the barrel of the gun. He maintains his power through the barrel of the gun. The constitution was written under the military dictatorship. The 250 senators were appointed by the military junta. Palang Pracharat Party was formed by General Prawit Wongsuwan. Hence, hisContinue Reading

Who do you blame?

“His friend shared a clip with me. But I didn’t know it was my son. I didn’t think it was until I saw it on the news elsewhere. I really didn’t think it was my son.” “He’s only 15. He’s only 15, and he has to face this.” These wereContinue Reading

Sinovac, the Sequel

From a less effective vaccine to a questionable Antigen Test Kit (ATK): Galactic incompetence? Shameless hanky panky? Both? These are questions, not an indictment, because other than the penchant for spraying rubber bullets, the government also has a penchant for filing charges against news that doesn’t make them happy. Here’sContinue Reading