When the culture champions inequality, everything we do is an expression of inequality

Some governments vaccinate the people indiscriminately. No matter the race, creed, breed, or citizenship, if the person is within their national borders, they are treated equally in the vaccination drive against COVID-19. In some countries, like the United States, they even vaccinate tourists. Some vaccination strategies are straightforward. For example,Continue Reading

The time-honored privilege/seniority/inequality/bully culture struck again

On 24 May, news reports stated Parliament Speaker Chuan Leekpai reprimanded a certain assistant to a certain minister. Why? It’s because our time-honored privilege/seniority/inequality/bully culture struck again. This certain assistant bullied a medical staff at parliament. With mean words and aggressive hand gestures, the assistant attempted to cut the queueContinue Reading

The best lie is the one told by those you love

Propaganda 101 is the critical analysis of the government’s strategy to brainwash the people into citizen zombies with the single purpose of mindlessly obeying without questions. “The best vaccine is the fastest vaccine” (วัคซีนที่ดีที่สุดคือวัคซีนที่เร็วที่สุด) and “The good vaccine is the one that we have” (วัคซีนที่ดีคือวัคซีนที่มี) is an example of suchContinue Reading

Thai Privilege: woe be to foreign residences

What if you’re a tax-paying, law-abiding, foreign residence with a proper work permit? It doesn’t matter. What if you’re also married to a Thai citizen? It doesn’t matter either. Richard Burrow (@RichardBarrow) has for years delivered some of the best news updates on what’s happening in Thailand. Today, he tweetedContinue Reading

General Prayut finally listens to Thanathorn.

When Thanathorn Juangrungruangkit cautioned that Thailand shouldn’t put all bets on one horse, the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, he received a storm of condemnations, including Section 112, lese majeste charges. With the record-breaking third outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand, General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday (16 April) announced that he’s looking intoContinue Reading

What do Teletubbies, Sinovac vaccine, and the truth have in common?

Last week, Chulalongkorn University’s Professor Doctor Thira Woratanarat slammed Thailand’s COVID-19 vaccine strategy, calling it “a Teletubby measure, ineffective, and the people cannot rely on it.” Specifically, he said China’s Sinovac vaccine is “only 2% effective.” Following the Saturday, 10 April meeting at the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA),Continue Reading