The vengeance of the general

What’s next for Thamanat Prompow? He has approximately 30 to 50 MPs in his hand, depending on who you ask, and is still Party Secretary. He can stay with the dysfunctional Palang Pracharat, form his own party, or rejoin Pheu Thai. He can lead an immediate exodus or wait nearerContinue Reading

The greatest trick Thai generals ever pulled on the Thai people

General Prayut Chan-o-cha came to power because of tanks; remains in power because of a rigged constitution; escapes no-confidence votes because of unscrupulous politicians. He has managed to convince a sizeable portion of the Thai population that without him, evil traitors and ungrateful nation-haters will overthrow the institution. No matterContinue Reading

Bananas are nutritious and delicious

What happens in parliament is exciting, but General Prayut Chan-o-cha still has the votes. What happens behind the parliament is riveting, because it’s allegedly a bid to remove the votes from the general. Of course, MP Thamanat Prompow denied everything, saying bootlickers slobbering over the boss’s feet are spreading aContinue Reading

The Kingdom of Kakistocracy

Kakistocracy is a government system run by the most unscrupulous people. It is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule). How do unscrupulous people come into power? By unscrupulous means. For example, the use of physical force, as in the 2014 military coup. How do unscrupulous peopleContinue Reading

What young people learn from teachers, adults, and generals

Regarding youths clashing with the police at political protests, on 17 August, General Prayut Chan-o-cha said: “เรียนมายังไง ใช้แต่ความรุนแรง ท้าตีท้าต่อยตำรวจ พอใช้กฎหมายก็โวยวาย” “Is this what you learn in school? You use only violence. Challenge the police to fights. When the law is used, you complain.” The general is correct. This is exactlyContinue Reading

The way of the guns

General Prayut Chan-o-cha came to power by the barrel of the gun. He maintains his power through the barrel of the gun. The constitution was written under the military dictatorship. The 250 senators were appointed by the military junta. Palang Pracharat Party was formed by General Prawit Wongsuwan. Hence, hisContinue Reading

376: the magic number to restart Thailand

The 10 August protest ended with yet another clash. But there must be a clear purpose to all this. Otherwise, it’s just a cycle of slingshots against rubber bullets. Every demand the protestors make will never be met unless there’s a government democratic in its mindset willing to reform Thailand.Continue Reading