Kakistocracy is a government system run by the most unscrupulous people. It is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule).
How do unscrupulous people come into power? By unscrupulous means. For example, the use of physical force, as in the 2014 military coup.
How do unscrupulous people maintain power? Write a constitution that gives 250 senators selected by the coup leader the power to elect the coup leader as the prime minister.
How do unscrupulous people get away with being unscrupulous? By castrating accountability, transparency, and checks and balances.
On 23 August, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) stated that it has no power to reveal the wealth of General Prayut Chan-o-cha and Deputy Prime Minister Wisanu Krea-ngam.
“We can’t even investigate,” said NACC President Police General Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit.
“We can just keep it. But if there’s an issue, then we can investigate. But our duty is just to keep it. Not only these two persons but there are many others in this category. We cannot reveal. Because in doing so, we’re liable to be charged for a crime.”
How to maintain kakistocracy? By educating the people, specifically the young generation, on the “virtues” of kakistocracy.
On 23 August, Senator Sirina Pavarolavidya, Chairperson of the Sub-commitee on Morals & Ethics, which operates under the Commitee for Religions, Morals, Ethics, Arts & Culture, proposed the creation of the “Good People Organization.”
In order to solve Thailand’s generation divide that has led to the generation clash, the senator proposed the government must develop the Thai human resources according to five values: Loyalty (Patriotism). Discipline. Honesty. Sufficiency. Volunteerism (จิตอาสา, jit arsa).
“To create good people is a difficult and long task. But it must be done,” said Senator Sirina.
And there you have it, the Kingdom of Kakistocracy.

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