The Songkran holiday ended on a high note for hardcore traditionalists and fans of vigilante (in)justice everywhere.
Here’s the story.
There’s a group of vigilantes calling itself “Ong-dam Warriors of the Two Seas” (นักรบองค์ดำสองคาบสมุทร). Ong-dam (องค์ดำ) is a name of His Majesty King Naresuan the Great. Sumet Trakulwoonnhoo is the leader of this warrior company.
There’s also another group of vigilantes. This one calls itself “Srivijaya Warriors of Chantaburi” (นักรบศรีวิชัยจันทบุรี). Srivijaya (ศรีวิชัย) refers to the Buddhist kingdom based on the island of Sumatra. The leader of this warrior company is Rakwit Yindee.
If you remember, they were active with both the yellow-shirt People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and the whistle-blowing People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).
On 17 April, the two warrior chiefs and their bands of grumpy men marched on Klang District in Rayong Province. They demanded the community leaders bring forth a local man called Tum for a “discussion.”
Allegedly, Tum made some posts that the two warrior chiefs deemed “inappropriate” towards the institution.
In the face of two warrior companies, Tum thought it prudent to plea guilty and receive punishment.
Thus, with knees in the dirt and head in the grass, Tum recanted and begged for forgiveness before the portrait.
Harmony once again returned to the kingdom.
The end.

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