
Who would have thought? An art professor is a badass

Art Professor Ajarn Thasnai Sethaseree refused to put up with the shenanigans

A disease, Fascist Syndrome, plagues Thailand.

Schools deny freedom of expression when students put on the white ribbon and flash the three-finger salute.

The government confiscates books that are “a danger to national security and harmony” from the pro-democracy movement.

The latest shame is when the Dean and staff from Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Fine Arts tried to confiscate art pieces created by students.

But Art Professor Ajarn Thasnai Sethaseree refused to put up with the shenanigans.

“Art is no one’s slave,” he yelled at the men in yellow shirts.

“Art has suffered enough shame because of those who do not love liberty.”

Yes, Thailand has discovered a new hero, bearded, white-haired, and pony-tailed.

On 22 March, the Facebook Page Community of MorChor (Chiang Mai University) posted a live video that went viral.

The 46.25-minute live video began with students arguing with the Faculty and ended with Ajarn Thasnai chasing out the last of the yellow-shirt art haters.

The scene was an outdoor art exhibition displaying student’s artworks.

The Faculty of Fine Arts’ Dean led the staff wearing yellow shirts into the exhibition ground and ordered the team to confiscate all art pieces. They shoved the works into trash bags and threw them into the back of a truck.

The students protested, telling them what they are doing is theft and is illegal.

Then, Ajarn Thasnai showed up, and the verbal smackdown began. By this time, the Dean has left, leaving just the Vice Dean and a few staff. They all retreated, embarrassed and defeated.

The students have filed criminal charges against the Faculty.

Today, Ajarn Thasnai posted on his Facebook Page:

“The youth, many of those who are our future, some of them have been charged, some have been jailed, and many more are persecuted. I truly hope that we will support them, with our body, heart, and mind, and help them.”

“With liberty and admiration.”

[ 📷: Thasnai Sethaseree’s Facebook Page]

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